Path of Exile Easy to Level Tanky Build

This build was done as a request. The Brass Dome and the Profane Proxy were the conditions. And as requested, dedicated to Daft Punk :D

My atlas tree:

3.18 Update Changes
Changed the skill tree. Changed leveling trees a bit.
Added an alternative PoB option (tree, gear and jewels).
Added Forbidden and Brutal Restraint jewels.
Gear changes.

Removed the Flame wall and Searing bond totem. Replaced with Fire Trap and Utility.


If you don't like dying this is the build for you.

+ works on a budget
+ really good starter
+ can do most map mods (except for no regen, less recovery and -max res)
+ tanky af (check the effective life for each element and phys in PoB)
+ HC viable
+ fast clear
+ Elder, Conquerors, Sirus and Atziri are a joke

- slightly tougher start (because of RF sustain without regen)
- maxing out is expensive (elder influenced helmet)
- has to use Fire trap for bosses

How does it work?

You set yourself on fire with RF and do everything in your power to mitigate the overwhelming fire damage. The build stacks a lot of Life, Life regeneration, Elemental Resistances and in the end elemental damage. After you can sustain the everlasting Righteous Fire you will just be walking and everything will die around you.
Uses Leap slam to traverse gaps and ledges and shield charge to move around with high speeds.
Skills like Searing Bond and Flame Wall are used to help with DPS-ing tougher enemies and Bosses. Anomalous Infernal Cry is used to weaken enemies and trigger death explosions on big packs.

GIFs and Videos

Facetanking Elder Slam

Facetanking Sirus Die Beam (A8)

Video guide


Path of Building - Pastabin (3.18, updated 22.05.2022.)

Use this as much as you can, everything is inside. A lot of leveling trees inside and Non-Cluster/Cluster alternatives, to the bottom left where it says "Endgame (95) Cluster", click on that and you can swap out the trees to see what you need to prioritize. Also here you can check out the whole tree, gear, gems, enchants, damage, etc. Basically you can see everything that I had and what you should aim for at each point in your leveling process.
Added a Flammability Ring option to replace the Profane Proxy.


General tips:


You want to focus on Armour based gear. Every single item should have as much armor as possible. For example if you are crafting your RF Elder helmet make sure to use a high ilvl "Royal Burgonet" or "Eternal Burgonet" as they have the highest base armour.
A little bit of Dexterity should be somewhere on your gear. If you just can't get it anywhere don't worry, the only downside is you wont be able to level your swift affliction as much. But you can leave it on a lower level it wont change your damage too much.

Weapons and shields:
This is a spell based build meaning the pDPS/DPS of the weapon don't matter. Spell damage also doesn't apply to RF but it does apply to Flame Wall and Searing bond.
The primary focus should be on: +1 to all Fire spell skill gems, % Elemental damage, % Fire damage, % Damage over time, % Fire damage over time multiplier and % Damage over time multiplier.
The shield should be anything that helps you sustain RF (Springleaf, The Oak, Saffel's Frame, Rise of the Phoenix).

Links and skill gems:
Links are always important and your primary skill should have the most links during leveling. If you find a 4L/5L/6L (Tabula rasa) you should place your main skills inside. I used Tabula Rasa to make double 5L's since Searing bond and RF both use the same support gems.
If you are struggling with a high regen monster/boss use Frost bomb and it will reduce its ability to regenerate by 75%.
If there are too many active skills to your liking, drop either Searing bond or Flame Wall and place whatever you like inside the remaining slots (Frost bomb, Golems, CWDT, etc.)
Instead of Faster attacks for your movement skills you could use Culling strike.

Influenced items:
In the endgame a few of your items should be influenced. My recommendation is buying the base and crafting it yourself as it will usually turn out cheaper. Alternatively look for similar items that I had on:
Helmet should be an Elder base and should be crafted with the essence of Horror. Looking for: Socketed gems are supported by level # Concentrated effect/Burning damage (or both) and Life + Resistances.
Gloves should be a Shaper base and should be crafted with the essence of Delirium. Looking for: % Fire damage over time multiplier and Life + Resistances.
Amulet should be a Warlord influenced Marble amulet and should be crafted either with essences of Anger or chaos spammed. Looking for +1 to Fire spell skill gems, Fire damage penetrates % resistances, % Damage/Fire over time Multiplier and Life + Resistances.

League Mechanic:
Archnemesis league brings a lot of strong monsters but great rewards to the table. This build excells in surviving them and also (eventually) killing them. If there will be a lot of regen monsters just feel free to replace Flame Wall and use Frost bomb + a Blessing instead.

Early Acts guide


Act 1

Dual wield 1h Sceptres early on as they increase your elemental damage and deal decent physical damage for Molten Strike.
Keep an eye out for a 3L (all red sockets) item. I found a nice 1h Sceptre sold by Targlieth that had 3L all red sockets.
Focus on items that have Life and Resistances.
For boots use Wanderlust or any boots with Movement speed if possible, otherwise Life/Resists.

Act 2

Keep dual wielding Molten Strike and upgrading your weapons until you reach lvl 22.
At this point you should have Herald of Ash + Vitality(lvl1) as your auras.
Around lvl 22 you can start using RF if you have Vitality, Springleaf and all of the regen nodes on the passive tree taken by that point.
Life regeneration items like Kikazaru or just rares with life regen help a lot.

A good way of using RF and Searing Bond together is by placing both of them inside tabula rasa and linking them with gems that benefit both.
RF + Searing Bond + Elemental Focus + Controlled Destruction + Combustion + Lifetap (Lifetap is optional, it does give more damage when you place a totem but costs a lot of life).

A good spell damage or +1 to all fire spell skill gems Sceptre will be optimal for leveling. (Check "Items" and find the "RF leveling" set)

Use Shield Charge + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks all linked together inside your weapon or your shield.

Act 3

Look for 4L items at this point and if you find one use an essence or an alch on it. Alternatively buy 1c rares from players.
Get Determination and replace Herald of Ash with it. Should be usable, if it isn't, wait for the mana reservation efficiency nodes.
Complete the Normal Lab before you fight Dominus. It should help quite a bit. Alternatively do it before Malachai in a4.
At this point your Auras should be: Vitality (lvl1) + Determination + Purity of Fire.
Swap out Combustion with Burning damage in your main Link setup. If you're not using Tabula Rasa check the "Skills" section and link the gems appropriately.

Passive Tree, Ascendancy, Bandits and Pantheon

Passive Tree



1.) Unbreakable - to sustain RF early and to double Brass dome armour later
2.) Unflinching - free endurance charges and +1 End charge
3.) Unstoppable - stun immunity and movement speed
4.) Unrelenting - even more tankiness (chaos res and ele res) can swap for Unyielding if you like that extra AoE and damage (not much though)

Bandits: Kill all.

Make sure to pick up all of the upgrades for both pantheon powers. It's a huge survivability boost. In this game it's best to stack multiple layers of damage mitigation. This is one of them.


Lunaris -> Definitely the most survivability out of all of them and some movement speed.
Yugul -> 30% reduced effect of curses on you - stacks with one of the masteries we take on the tree for a total of 50% permanent curse reduction!



You can go with the regular 21/20 RF or the 20/20 Vaal RF. The regular 21/20 will provide more damage on average but the Vaal RF will provide better burst.
Fire Trap should be 21/20.
For Utility gems there's a bunch of options but something like a Blessing, a Golem, a Frost Bomb (good against high regen enemies) or anything else you might find more attractive than Flame Wall.
Check Gloves below to what I'd use.

[from most important to least, prioritize like this]
(A) means it would be nice if it's an awakened variant

3L Weapon -> Vitality + Shield Charge + Faster Attacks/Culling Strike

Use culling strike here when you're killing endgame bosses like Sirus and whatnot. It really helps with that final phase.

3L Shield -> Anomalous Infernal Cry + Immortal call + Increased Duration

Vitality should be lvl 1-20 depending on how much mana you have available at the moment. Use Anomalous Infernal Cry to cast it faster. As for Molten shell it can be a regular one if you prefer to only have 1 Vaal skill (RF).

4L Elder Helmet (Conc. effect roll) -> Vaal Righteous Fire + Burning damage (A) + Elemental Focus (A) + Area of Effect (A)

4L Elder Helmet (Burning damage roll) -> Vaal Righteous Fire + Elemental Focus (A) + Efficacy + Area of Effect (A)

Depending on which link you roll on your helmet with your Essence of Horror you should use that setup. If you prefer to have only 1 Vaal skill (Vaal Molten Shell) you could use a regular RF (21/20).

6L Body Armour -> Fire Trap + Lifetap (divergent) + Trap and Mine Damage + Burning Damage (A) + Cruelty + Swift Affliction (A)

Make sure to use divergent Lifetap so the buff from it lasts longer. This way you wont have to recast the totem as much.

4L Boots -> Summon Skitterbots + Determination + Purity of Elements + Enlighten (3)

Purity of Elements can be changed for Malevolence if you think you can cap your resistances easily and want more damage. Or if you found a really nice watcher's eye with Malevolence on it.

Utility Setup
4L Apothecary Shaper Gloves -> Frost bomb + Culling Strike + Arcane Surge + Flame Dash


Divine Blessing setup
3L+1L Apothecary Shaper Gloves -> Divine Blessing + Lifetap + Malevolence + Frost Bomb

If you are going for the Flame Wall setup then you want to craft them with the Essence of Delirium and roll: Fire damage over time multiplier, Life, Resistances and of course the Essence roll: "Socketed Gems deal 30% more Damage over Time".
If you are going for the Divine Blessing setup you still want the same gloves with the same rolls but you don't need to craft them with the essence of delirium (since you no longer need the "Socketed Gems deal 30% more Damage over Time")

1L Profane Proxy Ring -> Flammability (21/0)

Elemental weakness (20/20) can also work but Flammability (21/0) is better because it scales with +1 to all Fire spell skill gems that you can get on your weapon and amulet.


Stat Priority


If your Elemental Resistances are capped go for Chaos resistance instead.
Weapon: Fire damage/Elemental Damage > Fire damage over time Multiplier > +1 to all Fire spell skill gems
Shield: Saffel's Frame > Good Corruption > Spell Block
Helmet (Elder base): Socketed gems deal 30% more elemental damage > Socketed gems are supported by Conc Effect/Burning damage (or both) > Life > Resists
Body Armour: Brass dome > +5% to all Maximum Resistances > Good Corruption
Gloves (Apothecary Shaper base): Life > Fire Damage over time multiplier > Resistances
Boots: Life > Movement Speed > Resistances > Life regeneration rate > Onslaught on kill (Redeemer infl)
Belt: Life > Resistances > Regeneration
Amulet (Warlord): Life regeneration > Life > +1 to all Fire skill gems > Fire damage over time multiplier/Damage over time multiplier > Resistances > Dexterity
Ring1: Profane Proxy or a good Rare Flammability on hit ring
Ring2: Life > Resistances > -7 to non-channeling skills (craft) > Dexterity

Leveling gear


My (Old) Gear


Helmet must be an elder base and crafted with the Essence of Horror. Either supported with Cocentrated effect or Burning damage (or both).
Gloves should be Shaper base Apothecary gloves. Aiming for the Fire damage over time multiplier, life and resists.
If you can get the brass dome with +1% to all max resists you won the game.
"Legacy of Fury" are a good option for boots. If you go with these make sure to get more resists and life on your gloves, helmet, rings.
You can replace your Profane Proxy ring with a good Flammability Rare Ring if you wish so.
Cluster should have the Master of Fire notable. Other additions can be: Smoking remains, Burning bright and similar stuff.

Check Gems and Gear in PoB or under Skill Gems section (these are outdated)


Every flask should be "Masochist's" AKA it should have the 6-7 charges gained when you are hit by an enemy.



Best for damage:
Divine Judgement
Growth and Decay

Second Curse:
Whispers of Doom = If you want to use a "curse on hit" ring or if you will be using "Asenath's Gentle Touch" Gloves this is necessary

Soul of Steel = +1% to all Max resists and a lot of Armour

My personal current achievements with the build:
Killed all conquerors (a8) - deahtless
Killed Sirus (a8) - deathless
Killed Elder - deathless
Killed Shaper - deathless

Check out what I'm playing this league and other guides:

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

Last edited by devon752 on Jun 20, 2022, 2:55:47 PM

Last bumped on Jul 17, 2022, 7:40:32 PM


"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

Beeeeeeef House!


dougch wrote:

Beeeeeeef House!

Hell yeah :D

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

Oh, my, god. I was just searching around for a RF build for 3.16 and stumbled upon this just minutes after you posting it. :D

Thank you, will try it out!


Subtractive_ wrote:

Oh, my, god. I was just searching around for a RF build for 3.16 and stumbled upon this just minutes after you posting it. :D

Thank you, will try it out!

Haha, glad to hear and good luck :D

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

Just killed Kitava, what a smooth leveling this was! This is my 4th character this league and without a doubt had the best leveling, could nearly face-tank everything. This with just a Springleaf and a 6-link i picked up in a Vaal side-area.

So with the build nowhere near to complete, not even running the correct gems and stuff I'm very impressed and looking forward to bringing it fully online now!

Also I would like to give you a big thumbs up and a well done on the PoB! Really has all the info one could ask for and need. Thanks!


Subtractive_ wrote:

Just killed Kitava, what a smooth leveling this was! This is my 4th character this league and without a doubt had the best leveling, could nearly face-tank everything. This with just a Springleaf and a 6-link i picked up in a Vaal side-area.

So with the build nowhere near to complete, not even running the correct gems and stuff I'm very impressed and looking forward to bringing it fully online now!

Also I would like to give you a big thumbs up and a well done on the PoB! Really has all the info one could ask for and need. Thanks!

Np at all and ty very much for the kind words :D

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro

Love the build and am having a ton of fun with it. One question though. Why Ele Weakness instead of Flammability?


Angvir wrote:

Love the build and am having a ton of fun with it. One question though. Why Ele Weakness instead of Flammability?

Looks prettier imo. They are exactly the same number-wise and we have no use for ignite. Unless you're trying to place combustion somewhere but then you would need a hit spell which is a new problem altogether.

"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro


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